Common CV sector (mal)practices

It’s a strange subject, we know. But we’re all about helping people, and we would be doing executives a disservice if we didn’t highlight some of the (all too common) dishonourable aspects of the sector.

If you are currently unaware of some of the serious malpractices then you should find the following both helpful and enlightening.

Will I get this information elsewhere?

It’s highly unlikely. Other firms like to keep very quiet about typical malpractices in the hope that people won’t notice.

And do people notice?

Some do, but most don’t.
Or at least not at first.
Frequently, the penny doesn’t drop until their ‘professional’ CV doesn’t match expectations in the competitive executive job market. And even then, some people still don’t make the connection!

What are the most common scams?

The most common and biggest deception is pretending to be something they aren’t; namely top professional CV firms/experts, with top products.

Aren’t they?

Well, we’ve been improving the CVs of supposed ‘top’ CV firms for 20+ years now. There are usually lots of issues (minor and major), and edits are never enough. Indeed, by necessity, our default is to rip up supposed ‘top’ CVs and rewrite them properly from scratch.

Surely, an exaggeration?

Not at all.
The transformation is usually both radical and dramatic. And clients are often astonished at just how much we improve.
Moreover, it’s very easy to prove.

How can you prove this?

Simply ‘put us to the test’ and you should see the gulf in quality before your very eyes.

What differences are there?

Each case is different, but this page lists some typical improvements we make (as well as an indication of why people tend to miss numerous issues (big and small) on typical professional CVs.

What other malpractices are there?

Where do you want to start?!
If you scratch the surface of the claims of many CV firms then you’ll see they tend not to stack up. You should find this page helpful if you’d like to discover more.

Why do people use those firms who are ‘less than honest?’

It’s a very good question.
If you knew that a supposed ‘top’ CV firm had methods that were flawed and writers that weren’t quite as advertised, then you probably think twice before using them, and especially if they also spouted spurious claims and statistics.

It’s just…
It’s just that it’s natural to be swayed by fantastical claims and statistics, and especially with a persuasive salesperson on the other end of the line.

Over to you

We can’t tell you which CV company to choose. That’s entirely your choice – and rightly so.

All we can do is highlight longstanding issues in the CV sector that executives really ought to be aware of (but many aren’t).

The rest is down to you, your gut and your intuition.

At the very least, we hope this page (and the links) has given you food for thought.

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