Comparing Real Top Services to Others

CVs are not like toothpicks. If you want to buy toothpicks you can shop around and compare products, like-for-like, and make a straightforward price-based decision. The same doesn’t really apply to CVs because CVs (and the firms who write them) vary from the appalling to the magnificent, and of course, this in turn impacts results, sometimes dramatically - and for better or for worse.

Judgment hindrances

If CV firms, their CVs and results differ significantly, then it follows that subsequent comparisons can never be truly like-for-like. This is further compounded by malpractices and by the clear lack of honesty by a sizable section of the CV writing sector. Please click for more details.

Shedding the blinkers

A quality CV is an investment that can quickly pay for itself. Most executives understand this. Of course, it really depends on who is writing it, and many executives still have trouble spotting the good from the bad – let alone the atrocious from the sublime!

Why is this?

Well, most firms are better at sales than they are when it comes to writing CVs. This includes numerous so-called ‘top’ companies.

Honest, genuine top-quality companies, on the other hand, don’t resort to sly sales tactics or other malpractices. Even so, many (including intelligent executives) are lured more by fantastical statistics and unverifiable claims than they are by honesty, integrity and transparency.

It’s our view that executives deserve to be given the real picture – and not just a trumped up one painted by a salesperson on commission.

This webpage provides information that you likely won’t find on other CV service sites. If you are serious about getting the best executive CV for you then you should find the following sections very helpful.

In general…

Many “professional” CV companies draw from the same pool of freelancers. Freelancers are not necessarily specialist CV writers, and clients aren’t always told what country the writer is from, let alone what qualifications and experience they have. Often, the resultant CV can look neat enough, but since it is common for some companies to produce CVs quickly by rehashing original text into standard templates, the end result is frequently out of sync with expectations – and especially when tested in competitive executive job markets. Little wonder that some executives flit from what they perceive to be one supposed ‘top’ firm to another – sometimes missing out on a number of potentially great opportunities in the process.

When is a deal not a deal?

No matter what a salesperson might have you believe, when it comes to CVs, there is no such thing as deal in the ‘this toothpick is cheaper that that one’ sense. Cheap CVs are cheap because they are mass produced on industrial scales - and usually by less experienced freelancers or subcontractors (some of whom only write as a side-line). The very best CV writers not only spend more time on each CV, but you also usually benefit from more expertise, more writing talent and greater care and attention to detail. We say ‘usually’ but that isn’t always the case, and some dearer firms can be even more of a false economy than the cheap CV factories.

How can you tell?

This is a very good, highly important question, that people rarely consider.

Many people (including many intelligent executives) do not know what makes for an outstanding CV and what doesn’t. Many are under the impression that if they list achievements and experience neatly, then that is as good as it gets and all they need do at executive level. It’s nonsense, but since even most typical CV firms can produce CVs that neatly include experience, the net result is thousands of executives applying for competitive jobs with CVs that look okay on the surface, but are fundamentally flawed on numerous other key fronts.

question [#1444] Created with Sketch.

So many don’t know how much better their CV could be?

In our vast experience fixing ‘professional’ CVs, it is evident that many executives don’t realise how lacking their CV is. They also don’t appreciate the gulf between what they have and just how good it could be in the right hands.


There are huge differences between typical “professional” CVs and genuine top-quality CVs. We fix such CVs on a daily basis, and have done so for many years. Enhancements are usually dramatic, and on numerous fronts including some or all of the following;

✓ enhancing the presentation
✓ helping it read and flow better
✓ improving the length
✓ reducing clutter
✓ enhancing legibility
✓ enhancing relevancy
✓ correcting (often numerous) grammatical errors
✓ improving the wording
✓ improving employer engaging
✓ enhancing first impressions
✓ enhancing sales messaging
✓ improving central messaging
✓ better addressing ATS
✓ optimising it properly
✓ enhancing vertical & horizontal words-to-space ratios
…and more besides!

If you believe that your “professional” CV is as good as it gets then just wait to see what we do with it!

Investment value

Only you know how much landing your perfect job is worth to you (and not just in terms of money but also job satisfaction and happiness). All we’ll say is that some people only look at CV services in terms of costs or deals. The more discerning tend to look at it in terms of investment value.

Over to you

Ultimately, it’s down to you and your intuition when it comes to identifying the genuine companies from the pretenders. All we can really do is highlight actualities, and assist those who put their faith in us.

If you would like to take advantage of our unique service then we would be happy to help you.

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